Joni Parsley Daydream Believer
Thursday, December 19, 2013
When I was picking up my son from work the other day, I saw a sign posted on a shop window, "Be Right Back". That explains a lot when I think about these last few months. I realize I haven't been posting on a regular basis but I've been putting the finishing touches on my book that will be out in early 2014-God is good! Tomorrow is a final deadline for the last items the publishing house needs so I've been working on that. Once everything is finally finished, I'll be "back" on a regular schedule!
I've missed this blog which is the whole reason the book even transpired-YOU have made it possible! If only there were more hours in a day, I could fly a helicopter instead of a car, or be secluded in a cabin somewhere, I could do it all!
I have an idea for a post for Christmas that I'll write by the weekend-it's about worth. I've thought so much about the holidays since I've not done a lot of what I normally do. Instead, I've tried to take in moments here and there. I didn't want to lose the meaning of this time while drowning in a sea of work or holiday rush. So, I'll be talking about what happens when the "usual" doesn't.
In the meantime, take some time to enjoy the gift of this season. I watched the snowfall the other night and that was free and I didn't have to fight traffic either!
God is and is everywhere..I don't want to leave Him out.
My sign will be out of the window very soon, by the way! Thanks and blessings to you all!
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

I brought my laptop with me tonight. I have two hours to sit and wait while my son, Austin is in a class. This class is at the Ohio State University and is for college-age students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. The parents sit in the waiting room while our kids are instructed on ways to manage the emotional upheaval that comes with their condition. I’m not going to pretend that it’s not hard. This isn’t a club I wanted to join. My son has struggled just like these other young people. All of them want friends and social lives but aren’t always easily approachable because of the social dysfunction component of Autism. As a result, feelings of sadness, isolation, rejection and loneliness become a frustrating fact of life. Hearing them express their feelings physically hurts my heart. My chair happens to be outside the door. I don’t want to listen yet I do want to listen…two contrasting realities.

It’s interesting to observe how each parent copes with sitting in the waiting room. One has on headphones tuning out the noise. I’d pay him for those right now since another mom is chatting on her cell phone and is so loud that the whole campus must hear her spine-tingling discourse on who has the best fried shrimp in town, what she had to eat today, who is bugging her at work, the last restaurant she went to was way too expensive and the fried shrimp was just okay and on and on. I need anger management tips…wonder where that class is! For the love of all that is sacred, people need to learn cell phone manners or just plain good old-fashioned manners, for that matter. But, is this her way of coping? For us, there is some comfort in the mundane, since days are typically unpredictable, so shame on me! Maybe my clicking away on a laptop is annoying! Not to mention, fried shrimp sounds good all of a sudden…sigh!

Anyway, I notice other parents are reading books. Yes, I said books with pages and everything! I think that says a lot. First, we’re all older parents and have obviously been bypassed by the e-reading generation. Secondly, we savor any free moment that doesn’t involve managing the schedules and care of our kids which only we can understand. There are such highs and lows…again, two contrasting realities.

As I survey the room, I conclude that all of us look weary and tired. Oh, if I could read minds. All we want is a cure. A waiting room filled with parents who love their kids and just want them better. There are amazing gifts that come with Autism but the hurts often overshadow the endowments. We rush to fix a hurt long before we applaud a talent-it’s just human nature and definitely, Christian nature. Our hearts are touched with compassion before our minds are stimulated by ability. It’s simply the character of God.

Tonight, my heart wants to be a first-responder in this relief effort. I want to make everyone feel better but all I can do is sit here and wait. I can pray but I still have to wait. I’m not just waiting for class to be over… I’m waiting in a different way.

Isaiah 40:31 (Amplified) “But they that wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.”

God is the forever first-responder and brings our much needed relief but it’s our choice to look at things or look for Him. I promise you this, if your hope is in Him… He is always worth the wait.

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Thursday, November 07, 2013
I hope by now you've heard and even read Pastor Rod's latest book, "The Cross". The sub-title reads, "One Man, One Tree, One Friday." Just the cover says enough if you really think about it.... so, think about it just a minute!

The best way I can describe "The Cross" is that it's not just a book, it's an experience. I have this recommendation - read it and weep!

Within these pages, you'll discover what was purchased and made available to the child of God. That said, it's a beautiful love story...the greatest one ever told! Most love stories have an end or at best, a "happily ever after". There is no end to this story - this love offers a forever.

The symbol of this love is not a valentine-style heart, it is a cross...simply put and simply said. The Cross is sacred...also simply put and simply said. It deserves a place of singular honor and prevalence in our minds and thus, our lives.

This Sunday is Worldwide Miracle, Healing and Prayer Cloth Service. We will be taking prayer requests to the foot of the Cross. We've built an indescribable likeness of Calvary on our church property and words cannot do it justice!

One of the most powerful servants of God alive today (and I don't say this often) will be praying, along with Pastor Rod and many others. If I could choose a person to pray for me Reinhard Bonnke would be in the top three. I remember being in a room, during Dr. Sumrall's Campmeeting, and feeling the power and presence of God all of a sudden. When I turned around, I saw Reinhard Bonnke-he defies description.

You have time to get involved! You can get a prayer cloth and request in before this Sunday by going to the website at

This is not just any given is One Sunday with One Man - His name is Jesus and He is the only One Savior.

Please join us...I promise you'll receive HIS promise!
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Well, a lot has happened since I wrote part one on this topic. Nonetheless, it’s still a very prevalent subject in my own personal “civil war”. I’ve written a great deal on perspective and how we can be our own worst enemy. For years, I’ve said that “growth is gaining perspective and Christian growth is about gaining God’s perspective.” What would life be like if we could just be Christ-minded; to see what God sees and how He sees…and not just some of the time.

We are trained to look through the eyes of someone else; always wondering what they may be seeing or thinking. If we’re not doing that, we’re measuring things on our own yardstick. When that happens, not only do others fall short of the mark but so do we. Let’s not even get started on how we see our circumstances! I’ve certainly cried a river or two while drowning in self-pity and gasping that, “No one could possibly have as dreadful a life as I do”!

There are moments that my lack of proper perspective gets interrupted and I think sensibly and apologetically. I’m humbled by God’s grace that lines me up and out and does so as He guides me into maturity…even when I’ve behaved in child-like fashion. That’s a nice way of saying that I’ve acted like a teenage brat!

Our battleground is in our minds. If we’re not renewing and refreshing them in God’s Word, then we only have the stale imprint of past failures and a defeatist attitude making sure we notice them. We can have the world’s outlook, our outlook, or God’s outlook. The choice seems simple but isn’t. It takes work and determination to keep thinking what God says about you and your circumstances. It’s actually a compliment when things get tough. God is saying you’re tough enough to handle it and He’s got you covered; there’s scripture after scripture that says so but we have to read it to know it! The Bible isn’t a buried treasure but it sure is a treasure when we’re buried!

It’s easy to know the beginning and the end of something…it’s the “in-between” that’s the difficult part! That’s the time we have to trust that when it’s raining, God promised a rainbow. I know it’s trite but in the meantime, I’m grabbing an umbrella!

A dear friend sent me this poem that I read as a reminder to keep proper perspective so my attitude will then follow. When you read it, you’ll know why I call this battle “The War of the Roses”…..

The Sculptor’s Attitude

I woke up early today excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight.
I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important.
My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have.

Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or…
I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free.

Today I can feel sad that I don’t have more money or…
I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.

Today I can grumble about my health or…
I can rejoice that I am alive.

Today I can lament over all that my parents didn’t give me when I was growing up or…
I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.

Today I can cry because roses have thorns or…
I can celebrate that thorns have roses.

Today I can mourn my lack of friends or…
I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.

Today I can whine because I have to go to work or…
I can shout for joy because I have a job to go to.

Today I can complain because I have to do housework or…
I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.

Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped.
And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
What today will be like is up to me. I get to choose what kind of day I will have!!!

Have a GREAT DAY… unless you have other plans.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013
This morning, I expected to turn on the news as I do everyday while I get ready, and listen to reports on the anniversary of 9-11. I expected to see this day trending on twitter and messages of remembrance posted. I expected to see online tributes and news stories capturing the moments that are forever etched in our minds. However, to my dismay, 9-11 was barely a mention so is it barely a memory?
As a loyal American, who could or should ever forget that day? Who could or should ever forget the lives lost and those who suffered that day? Can we ignore that life, as we knew it, forever changed? We aren't the same...are we?
Have we become arrogant, careless, and so self-absorbed that we forget that innocence is a thing of the past? Do we think that burying the memory may help us bury our fears of ever-present danger?
I'm bewildered. I'm not advocating fearfulness, I'm advocating mindfulness. We can't get so caught up in our own lives that we lose sight of the world around us. To lose sight means we'll soon lose compassion. To lose compassion means we'll lose hold on a central focus of our Christianity. Jesus came "to seek and to save that which was lost". The Cross was the greatest act of compassion known to humanity so if we claim it, we must feel it and act out of it.
Our hearts should be heavy today...people are hurting. Children lost fathers and mothers. Parents lost sons and daughters. Husbands lost wives and wives lost husbands. Sisters and brothers lost sisters and brothers. Friends lost friends and on and on goes that list...of people.
Two towers and planes crashed to the ground and our hearts went crashing with them. As we looked on in horror and disbelief, we knew we'd never forget where we were the moment that time stood still. From our grief came pride,action, and resolve. With that, we flew flags, wore red, white, and blue, donated blood, gave money, clothes, water, food and stood as proud Americans together. We were many yet... we were ONE.
Let's just never forget who we were and how we felt that day and not just where we were...let's just never forget.
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About Joni

Thanking God for blessings too many to list. He is my all and my always-the glory and the lifter of my head... He never fails.

Why the Name

"For a child, it’s as easy as blowing out candles on a cake, or wishing upon a star. But as for one of those 'grown-ups,' 'No dream comes true until you wake up and go to work.' " ...